Response 6
Throughout “To fight Ebola, Create a Health Workforce Reserve Force” by Michele Barry and Lawrence Gostin, a way to fight Ebola is proposed. The authors suggest that a Global Health Workers Reserve is established. This proposal prioritizes the solution because instead of just focusing on stopping Ebola from spreading, this suggestion has the potential to prevent other epidemics from claiming lives in areas where healthcare is not available. In addition, most of the audience agrees that Ebola is already a problem.
When it comes to Ebola, the audience knows a lot of information, although it may not all be accurate. For the most part, the majority of readers are Americans. Therefore, the audience is aware that Ebola is a disease that can be transferred, although they may not know how. However, they are aware that it is claiming the most lives in Africa, and that it is spreading to the Western World. A large portion of the audience is fearful that Ebola will become much larger than it already is.
The stasis issues in this article include cause-consequence. In the last paragraph the authors imply that the Ebola epidemic may lead to a “sturdy medical lifeline” to the countries that need it, basically asking, “Will Ebola lead to a more effective way to deal with epidemic diseases?” Furthermore, by bringing up the Haiti earthquake and Indonesian tsunami, the authors are asking “Are these natural disasters the same as epidemic diseases?”
Yes, the author does do a good job of identifying positive and negative consequences. For example, it introduces the idea that this reserve could lead to creating permanent health systems in poor countries. However, the authors also mention that the reason the Ebola crisis has spread is because there is no organization like the Global Health Workers Reserve.
One of the most effective strategies used by the authors are the statistics, which are used to convince the audience that a problem exists. The first couple of paragraphs are based solely around what is already known about the Ebola epidemic. Another effective strategy is the transparency the authors display to the audience. They are aware that Ebola is a problem that cannot be easily solved. However, their proposal is realistic and based around an already existing solution, the Army Reserve. In addition, the authors admit that this is not a permanent solution, which assures readers that they are realistic.
Khanafer Response 4
My name is Rasha Khanafer and I'm a freshman at WSU this year. I'm a Psych major and something I'm really excited for is the chance to study abroad.
Third Response:
Gore Vidal’s “Drugs” discusses the faults of substance control in the United States through distinct rhetorical methods. He points out major flaws in the laws that dictate drug offenses and how they should be modified. His cynical view of the United State’s Government’s position in “the war on drugs” is emphasized throughout his argument.
“Nevertheless, forbidding people things they like or think they might enjoy only makes them want those things all the more. This psychological insight is, for some mysterious reason, perennially denied our governors.” This is an enthymeme used to explain why laws banishing drugs are not effective. The claim is that forbidding something will only make it more desirable, and reason is that it is a psychological fact. The unstated assumption is that the outlaw of drugs has made citizens want to use it more. Finally, the grounds for these assumptions are Vidal’s research and knowledge on the subject.
Another enthymeme is “The Government of the United States was responsible for those deaths.” This was the claim, and the reasoning was that the United States stopped the supply of Mexican marijuana, which caused teenagers to buy other drugs instead. The unstated assumption was that if someone wanted to do drugs, they would obtain—and use—them, no matter what kind. The grounds for these assumptions are the fact that teenagers actually used severe drugs such as heroin because marijuana was not available to them.
Although it is not a clear stasis question, “Will anything be done?” could be considered a proposal, or policy stasis question. It is asking if anything should be done about all the drug problems plaguing the United States. There are additional instances in which stasis questions are asked, but they are also in a different format. When Vidal wrote “Whose fault? Evil men like the Mafiosi?” he was essentially asking a cause or consequence stasis question. Did “evil men like the Mafiosi” cause the drug deaths? Although they were not direct, I think that Vidal did use stasis questions to enrich his argument.
Vidal also incorporated the three artistic appeals into his argument. He is ethos, or credibility came from the fact that his article was published in The New York Times, a well-respected newspaper. In addition, Vidal claims that he has tried every drug at least once and that assures readers that he has both researched and experienced his topic. Vidal included pathos by saying phrases like “the Government of the United States was responsible for those deaths.” By mentioning death of citizens due to the government, he affects the audience’s emotional response.
Finally he was very logical and brings up past incidents and how they could have been prevented. For example, he discusses the Prohibition and its affect on crime. He then implies that the high crime rate associated with drugs is because they are illegal. Technically, because drugs and alcohol are both intoxicants, and his conclusion is logical.
Since the Internet has become a widely used phenomenon, several types of multimedia have emerged as staples of social media. Without the meme, twitter, Facebook, and other sites such as reddit would not be the same. A meme is a picture or graphic with captions written at the very top and bottom of the image. As they become more admired, memes are beginning to be treated as a respected type of literary work. This new place in society has led to memes being analyzed, categorized into genres, and explored by humans all over the world. Memes were created for humor, spreading awareness, and communicating a stance. The meme I have selected, “Ordinary Muslim Man,” contains each of these elements. It features a picture of an anonymous man in traditional Muslim clothing. The text in this genre of memes is meant to be ironic and misleading. In this essay I will explore the definition of a meme, its several genres, and more specifically, why the “Ordinary Muslim Man” is a prime example of a meme.
My Creation:
The Muslim Man Meme
Since the Internet has become a regular part of the American lifestyle, memes have emerged as a staple of social media. Without the meme, Twitter, Facebook, and other sites such as Reddit would not be the same. A meme is a picture or graphic with captions written at the very top and bottom of the image. As they become more admired, memes are beginning to be treated as a respected type of literary work. This new place in society has led to memes being analyzed, categorized into subgenres, and explored by humans all over the world. Memes were created for humor, spreading awareness, and communicating a stance. The meme I have selected, “Ordinary Muslim Man,” contains each of these elements. It features a picture of an anonymous man in traditional Muslim clothing. The text in this subgenre of memes is meant to be deceptive. In this essay I will explore the definition of a meme, one of its subgenres, and more specifically, why the “Ordinary Muslim Man” is a prime example of a meme.
Although the thousands of memes that have been created are vastly different in content, purpose, and popularity, each one must fit in to a certain description. All memes are composed of a picture or a graphic that most likely depicts a general face or action. For example, the “Bad Luck Brian” meme has a picture of an adolescent teen smiling for a school picture. This picture is essential to that particular subgenre of memes. The “Ordinary Muslim Man” meme has a picture of a middle-aged man with olive-toned skin and a long beard. Because of the stereotypes insinuated by the media since Al-Qaeda’s attack on the United States in 2011, this man is a seemingly perfect example of a terrorist. However, the man’s facial expression in the picture is not intimidating, which adds to the irony. The picture is also taken from a higher angle, making the “Ordinary Muslim Man” even less threatening. Finally, the background of this subgenre of memes is a collection of six different shades of brown or yellow. These color segments create a playful quality through their orientation and cartoon-like appearance and are crucial to this subgenre of memes.
Furthermore, it is necessary that a meme include text, although these words should be exchangeable. Every “Bad Luck Brain” meme should have the picture of “Brian,” but there must also be text to go along with it. The text that is included changes by every meme, but the picture remains the same. More often than not, these words come in white block letters. As I mentioned earlier, the most important part about the text of this subgenre of memes is that it is misleading. In the subgenre of “Ordinary Muslim Man,” the text at the top suggests that the man is going to make an inappropriate claim about terrorism; instead, he makes a completely ordinary statement. The text is the most crucial part of the “Ordinary Muslim Man” subgenre.
Finally, memes must be humorous. If a meme allows users from different backgrounds to laugh at a similar picture, it is successful. Memes are generally drenched in irony or sarcasm, and the “Ordinary Muslim Man” subgenre is no different. In fact, it is the irony in this subgenre that makes it so humorous. Generally, the second line of text in this subgenre of memes is when readers begin to laugh, because they realize the absurdity of the statement. The “Ordinary Muslim Man” is amusing because of its unexpected nature.
I created a meme that fits in the “Ordinary Muslim Man” subgenre because it includes the same picture and type of text that comply with the subgenre. The picture is the exact same Muslim man and six-color background. The top part of the text states “I’m definitely going to bomb,” which certainly brings up a phrase Americans imagine a terrorist would say. However, the bottom part of the meme says “my exam next week” which implies that this ordinary Muslim man is going to do something as common as fail a test. This text fits well into the characteristic of this subgenre because it ends up as an ordinary statement. Furthermore, I feel that that the meme I created is humorous as well as misleading. Many students have said the words “I am going to bomb that exam,” and the fact that a suspected terrorist has said it makes them laugh and may even allow them to form a connection with this Muslim man. The idea that the same person they suspected to be a terrorist is worried about failing an exam is ironic as well. Each of these characteristics makes up the “Ordinary Muslim Man” meme and is represented in the meme I created.
I was able to create this meme by incorporating each characteristic of the “Ordinary Muslim Man” subgenre and the characteristics that make up all memes. My meme had a picture, white text, and was humorous. In order to fit into the correct subgenre, the picture I selected was of a harmless middle-aged man with the correct six-color background. Although this subgenre of memes is quite humorous, it is apparent that there is a political message behind it. By using the word “bomb,” I also integrated something that a terrorist would say in the first line. Furthermore, the ending of the sentence made it a completely normal one, which is the overall purpose of the “Ordinary Muslim Man” meme.
The Muslim Man Meme
Since the Internet has become a regular part of the American lifestyle, memes have emerged as a staple of social media. Without the meme, Twitter, Facebook, and other sites such as Reddit would not be the same. A meme is a picture or graphic with captions written at the very top and bottom of the image. As they become more admired, memes are beginning to be treated as a respected type of literary work. This new place in society has led to memes being analyzed, categorized into subgenres, and explored by humans all over the world. Memes were created for humor, spreading awareness, and communicating a stance. The meme I have selected, “Ordinary Muslim Man,” contains each of these elements. In this essay I will explore the definition of a meme, one of its subgenres, and more specifically, why the “Ordinary Muslim Man” is a prime example of a meme.
Final Draft: The Muslim Man Meme
Since the Internet has become a regular part of the American lifestyle, memes have emerged as a staple of social media. Without the meme, Twitter, Facebook, and other sites such as Reddit would not be the same. A meme is a picture or graphic with captions written at the very top and bottom of the image. As they become more admired, memes are beginning to be treated as a respected type of literary work. This new place in society has led to memes being analyzed, categorized into subgenres, and explored by humans all over the world. Memes were created for humor, spreading awareness, and communicating a stance. The meme I have selected, “Ordinary Muslim Man,” contains each of these elements. In this essay I will explore the definition of a meme, one of its subgenres, and more specifically, why the “Ordinary Muslim Man” is a prime example of a meme.
Although the thousands of memes that have been created are vastly different in content, purpose, and popularity, each one must fit in to a certain description. All memes are composed of a picture or a graphic that most likely depicts a general face or action. For example, the “Bad Luck Brian” meme has a picture of an adolescent teen smiling for a school picture. This picture is essential to that particular subgenre of memes. The “Ordinary Muslim Man” meme has a picture of a middle-aged man with olive-toned skin and a long beard. He is dressed in traditional Muslim clothing. Because of the stereotypes insinuated by the media since Al-Qaeda’s attack on the United States in 2011, this man is a seemingly perfect example of a terrorist. However, the man’s facial expression in the picture is not intimidating, which adds to the irony. The picture is also taken from a higher angle, making the “Ordinary Muslim Man” even less threatening. Finally, the background of this subgenre of memes is a collection of six different shades of brown or yellow. These color segments create a playful quality through their orientation and cartoon-like appearance and are crucial to this subgenre of memes.
Furthermore, it is necessary that a meme include text, although these words should be exchangeable. The text in this subgenre of memes is meant to be deceptive Every “Bad Luck Brain” meme should have the picture of “Brian,” but there must also be text to go along with it. The text that is included changes by every meme, but the picture remains the same. More often than not, these words come in white block letters. As I mentioned earlier, the most important part about the text of this subgenre of memes is that it is misleading. In the subgenre of “Ordinary Muslim Man,” the text at the top suggests that the man is going to make an inappropriate claim about terrorism; instead, he makes a completely ordinary statement. The text is the most crucial part of the “Ordinary Muslim Man” subgenre.
Finally, memes must be humorous. If a meme allows users from different backgrounds to laugh at a similar picture, it is successful. The “Too Damn High” meme’s primary purpose is to entertain an audience. Although they could be used for other reasons, the entire meme genre was generally made as a source of light humor. Memes are commonly drenched in irony or sarcasm, and the “Ordinary Muslim Man” subgenre is no different. In fact, it is the irony in this subgenre that makes it so humorous. Generally, the second line of text in this subgenre of memes is when readers begin to laugh, because they realize the absurdity of the statement. The “Ordinary Muslim Man” is amusing because of its unexpected nature.
I created a meme that fits in the “Ordinary Muslim Man” subgenre because it includes the same picture and type of text that comply with the subgenre. The picture is the exact same Muslim man and six-color background. The top part of the text states “I’m definitely going to bomb,” which certainly brings up a phrase Americans imagine a terrorist would say. However, the bottom part of the meme says “my exam next week” which implies that this ordinary Muslim man is going to do something as common as fail a test. This text fits well into the characteristic of this subgenre because it ends up as an ordinary statement. Furthermore, I feel that that the meme I created is humorous as well as misleading. Many students have said the words “I am going to bomb that exam,” and the fact that a suspected terrorist has said it makes them laugh and may even allow them to form a connection with this Muslim man. The idea that the same person they suspected to be a terrorist is worried about failing an exam is ironic as well. Each of these characteristics makes up the “Ordinary Muslim Man” meme and is represented in the meme I created.
Understanding the meme and the various characteristics incorporated into one is crucial to those who would like to create their own. I was able to create a meme by incorporating each characteristic of the “Ordinary Muslim Man” subgenre and the characteristics that make up all memes. My meme had a picture, white text, and was humorous, the same characteristics every meme must have. Although each meme must have certain features, there are also characteristics specific to each subgenre of memes. The Internet age has been a time of innovation and creativity in many types of ways, and memes are a genre that is certainly part of that innovation.
Comments (2)
Elton DeFrance said
at 4:04 pm on Sep 22, 2014
1. "In this essay I will explore the definition of a meme, one of its subgenres, and more specifically, why the “Ordinary Muslim Man” is a prime example of a meme." is the thesis.
2. The purpose of the paper is to inform me about what makes her specific meme a meme and how it is its own subgenre It is important because it demonstrates her understanding of what genres and subgenres are.
3. The paragraph is well structured well and it is an easy read.
4. Rasha was well within her means when jumping to conclusions.
5. The strongest part of the paper was how she related everything back to her thesis. It made the paper seem very well put together.
6. The weakest part was the conclusion. I feel she could wrap up her whole paper a little better, and not just explain the meme she created.
7. Rasha has a wonderful understanding of what genres are and what subgenres are, especially in relation to internet memes.
8. The sentences are very well written, and the paper is easily read.
9. I would give Rasha an A. She clearly addresses every topic she needed to effectively and solidified in my mind that she understands what a genre is.
Emily Nowka said
at 4:33 pm on Sep 22, 2014
1. Thesis: In this essay I will explore the definition of a meme, one of its subgenres, and more specifically, why the “Ordinary Muslim Man” is a prime example of a meme.
2. Yes, this paper has a clear purpose. You have done a great job of stating your ideas of what a meme is and why the ordinary muslim man meme fits into this genre. The purpose of this paper is to validate the ordinary muslim man as a meme and describe its characteristics as a sub genre.
3. The paper has a good flow and each paragraph fits well within the paper based on the thesis.
4. You did a great job of stating your ideas and nothing seemed too redundant.
5. The strongest point of your paper is the conclusion. I like the way you tied together everything you said earlier in the essay. You did a good job of recapping all of the main points without sounding like you just repeated everything you already said.
6. The only weak part of this paper is that you did not go into much detail about what qualifies your meme as part of the sub genre.
7. It is obvious that you understand what a genre is and you have made a compelling argument. Good job!
8. Syntax is great! I did not see any grammar errors.
9. I would give you an A- on this paper.
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