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Page history last edited by Adam Goryca 9 years, 9 months ago

Project Two Rough Draft


Project Three Rough Draft


Project Four Rough Draft


Response #6

  1. The formation of a Global Health Workforce Reserve 
  2. Solution, it touches on the basics of what we already know about Ebola, and then spends the majority of the time explaining the solution
  3. Most citizens know it is an ongoing issue and are concerned of its outbreak
  4. Yes, cause-consequence is used when discussing the cause of this horrible outbreak
  5. Yes she discusses how these countries will be able to implement their own health systems, while if nothing is done the outbreak will continue to spread
  6. She addresses mostly the pathos side of this argument when discussing the possible outcomes for those areas if no help is provided 




     Internet memes have been a major way for people to express themselves for the past couple years.  With so many funny pictures all over the internet, readily available at the click of a button, anyone could create a new meme genre instantly.  That’s why there is such a wide range to choose from when it comes to finding memes you enjoy.  There’s anything from the classics like Bad Luck Brian all the way to the up and coming memes, such as the ‘Aint Nobody Got Time for That Lady.  Some memes, like  “one does not simply”, create themselves from movies or popular viral videos.  While others start simply with one person who thinks of a clever caption for a picture and it catches on right away.  This is why the popularity of memes exploded, there is a genre for everyone.  I chose to use the baby godfather meme shown above because there’s no demographic that gets excluded from this meme, everyone can understand and enjoy this genre.  This specific meme relates to the rest of the baby godfather memes because it has a intimidating saying about something only a baby would be mad about, along with the recognizable picture that’s always used.  These features can get pretty complex when you look at all the different variations spun off of the original baby godfather meme.


  1. 1.     Internet memes have been a major way for people to express themselves for the past couple years.  With so many funny pictures all over the internet, readily available at the click of a button, anyone could create a new meme genre instantly.
  2. 2.     That’s why there is such a wide range to choose from when it comes to finding memes you enjoy.  There’s anything from the classics like Bad Luck Brian all the way to the up and coming memes, such as the ‘Aint Nobody Got Time for That Lady.
  3. 3.     Some memes, like  “one does not simply”, create themselves from movies or popular viral videos
  4. 4.     While others start simply with one person who thinks of a clever caption for a picture and it catches on right away.
  5. 5.     Has a general intimidating saying
  6. 6.     Followed by something only a baby would be mad about
  7. 7.     Along with the recognizable picture that’s always used.
  8. 8.     It starts with, “That son of a bitch took what’s mine”
  9. 9.     Followed by, “You bring him and my nose back here now”

10.It has the picture of the baby godfather in the background.

11.This famous meme was created because someone saw that picture and it reminded them of a funny spoof on an old classic, The Godfather, and it caught on instantly. People have been using this familiar face to express themselves ever since.




Baby Godfather’s Nose

     Internet memes have been a way for people to express themselves for the past couple years.  With so many funny pictures all over the Internet, readily available at the click of a button, anyone could create a new meme genre instantly.  That’s why there is such a wide range to choose from when it comes to finding memes you enjoy.  There’s anything from the classics like Bad Luck Brian all the way to the up and coming memes, such as the “‘Aint Nobody Got Time for That Lady”.  Some memes, like  “one does not simply”, create themselves from movies or popular viral videos.  While others start simply with one person who thinks of a clever caption for a picture and it catches on right away.  This is why the popularity of memes exploded; there is a genre for everyone.  I chose to use the “Baby Godfather meme” shown above because there’s no demographic that gets excluded from this meme.  Everyone who has dealt with a baby before can understand and appreciate this subgenre.  In this paper I will discuss how to create a meme, what all “Baby Godfather memes” have in common, and how this specific meme relates to the rest of the “Baby Godfather memes”.

     When it comes to creating your own meme there are a few key elements you need for it to be classified as a meme.  It all starts with a recognizable picture as the background.  Whether you use a famous picture that’s already been around the Internet, or you find a new picture that you think could catch on as a meme, your possibilities are endless.  If you want to try and create a completely new meme, keep in mind, pictures that perpetuate stereotypes are usually a good place to start – being that these will provide a basis for a reusable and catchy subgenre.  It is important, in order to become a classic, that many people can express their different viewpoints using your picture.  Then once you’ve chosen a picture, it is necessary to condense your opinion of said picture to two concise statements.  How you do this, though, is entirely up to you.  If you want the meme to be humorous, having an ironic, or off the wall second statement is a common way to proceed.  While if you want it to be a more serious meme, having a general first statement followed by a more opinionated second statement is a safe bet.  With all of this being said, none of these guidelines are concrete.  The world of memes has a wide variety of options, and is always changing, so your innovative idea might just be the start of something new.

     As “Baby Godfather” memes go, there are a couple characteristics exclusive to this subgenre.  Just like before, it starts with the picture.  This time though, you’re limited to only using the famous picture of the “Baby Godfather”.  With that being said, it is not a bad place to start, seeing that it is one of the more famous subgenres of memes every created.  After you’ve found a blank copy of the picture, your next step is to think of a clever two-statement joke that usually involves some irony.  This is a very general explanation that could work for most other memes as well.  To make it exclusive to the “Baby Godfather” subgenre, your statements must include a stereotypical situation that relates solely to babies.  This is how you make the statement fit the picture, which, some would argue, is the most important part of creating an effective meme.

     The meme I chose (shown above) is a perfect example of how to execute the items I have discussed throughout this paper.  It has the famous picture as the background of the “Baby Godfather” looking as stern as always.  Then on the top and bottom, it has a statement that fits this subgenre impeccably.  It starts with, “That son of a bitch took what’s mine.”  A lot of “Baby Godfather” memes will use an intimidating tone at the beginning not only to represent the original “Godfather”, but also to lead you to believe that it is going to be a serious matter.  This is a good tactic to bring some irony into this subgenre.  Then it finishes with, “You bring him, and my nose back here now!”  That’s where they bring in the stereotypical situation that relates only to babies.  This meme is playing off of the simple trick everyone has done before where you pretend to pull a babies nose off by sticking your thumb through your pointer and middle finger.  The demanding look on the “Baby Godfather’s” face fits perfectly with the saying which is the tell tale sign of a well-executed meme.

     Now that we have discussed how to create a meme, what all “Baby Godfather” memes have in common, and how this specific meme relates to the rest of the “Baby Godfather” memes, you’ve gained a deeper understanding of the inner-workings of memes.  I hope one day you’ll decided to create your own meme.  Whether you use a famous saying from a video, or simply a funny picture from the Internet, you now have the ability to express yourself in a way that others will enjoy and relate with.



Response #3

           The “War On Drugs” has been a highly debated topic for many years now.  Former President Richard Nixon first used the term in 1971 during a message to the Congress on Drug Abuse Prevention and Control, and ever since it has been a commonly used phrase all over the world.  This is not just a clever slogan though; it is a major focus of the United States Government.  The Drug Policy Alliance estimates that our government spends about 51 billion dollars of taxpayer’s money annually on this so called “War”.   What would happen to that number if all drugs were made legal and sold at cost?  Gore Vidal, a renowned American author, explores this idea in his New York Times article titled “Drugs”.  In response to this article, I will analyze the rhetorical techniques used, the stasis question invoked, and the enthymemes utilized in his argument.

            Vidal effectively uses rhetorical strategies throughout his entire article.  Towards the beginning, he utilizes a hyperbola to expand on his point.  He does this by exaggerating on what people think the world would be like if drugs were legal.  Hyperbolas can be a very effective strategy to bring a counter argument into your paper.  Another rhetorical technique he uses is a metanoia.  When he states that, “The government has learned nothing from past attempts at prohibition, not to mention repression,” he brings in this important rhetorical technique by correcting his first statement by adding the second.  Those are just a few of the many rhetorical techniques used by Vidal in his article.

            The primary stasis question that Vidal invokes is a question of policy.  Simply put, should all drugs be legalized?  To discuss this question there are many avenues he explores.  What actions should be taken? Not only should all drugs be sold at cost, but also should be clearly labeled with all their effects, good and bad.  This leaves the decision up to the consenting adult buying the product, while also educating them on all the benefits and risks.  To completely answer this question though, he has to include what people need to be involved to make this happen.  The obvious answer is the United States Government.  By changing the laws, and regulating the sale of the narcotics, the government plays the most crucial role in this.  He also mentions how important the average citizen is.  It may seem frivolous to discuss, but the responsibility placed in every adult’s hand with this newfound freedom is an important factor as well.  Just like how you know it is not healthy, nor can you afford, to buy a bottle of liquor every night, you also have to understand the same is true with these drugs.  These are the main topics Vidal discusses with his stasis question of policy.

            Enthymemes are another key factor of argumentative articles that has to be discussed.  Gore Vidal’s major premise of his argument is clearly that drugs should be legalized.  You have to dig a little deeper to find his minor premise though; that street drugs aren’t any worse than the alcohol and tobacco products you can by at any local convenience store.  This brings us to his conclusion that the legalization off all drugs would not be detrimental to society.  Enthymemes like this can be a very effective way to sway your audience in your direction.

            Throughout this paper I have discussed how Gore Vidal used rhetorical techniques, stasis questions, and enthymemes in his argumentative article titled “Drugs” from the New York Times.  While our government continues to spend billions and billions of dollars on the “War On Drugs”, there are many other people out there that share the same ideals as Vidal. and would like to see changes made.


Project Two Rough Draft


Project Three Rough Draft


Project Four Rough Draft




Comments (3)

Eric Chang said

at 2:49 pm on Sep 22, 2014

1. I understand your thesis. It is clear that you will recreate this sub-genre and analyze it.
2.Throughout the paper, you have a clear purpose and do not stray away from it.
3. You organize it fairly well. However, you need to add more paragraph skips because it is hard to read the whole thing without the separation. I suggest at least 3 paragraphs.
4. So far there are few extreme sentences or words.
5. The strongest part of this essay is that you explain the Baby godfather meme very well. I can clearly follow your argument and analysis.
6. The weakest part of this essay is that you could make more paragraphs so that I could follow along easier.
7.You have convince me what makes this meme and what it needs to have.
8. There are a few grammar mistakes here and there, but overall it is well written.
9. I would give it an A- as there are a few mistakes.

Kayla DeKoekkoek said

at 9:35 pm on Sep 23, 2014

1. Your thesis is very clear, you explained what you were going to talk about in the paper and executed it.
2. You stay on topic consistently through out the paper, you don't stray from what you say in your thesis.
3. The overall essay is organized but you do have some breaks in the flow of some of your sentences, and make sure that you indent your paragraphs.
4. I do not see any over generalized statements.
5. The strongest point of your essay is that you did a very nice job at staying on task and describing your sub-genre. You had great details, that really supported your meme sub-genre.
6. The weakest point of your essay was your sentence structure. Sometimes you put periods where the sentence should have continued.
7. You have a convincing paper. Definitely well written.
8. Grammar was overall decent. Fix small mistakes.
9. I'd give this paper an A- because you do have to fix some technical errors like indentation as well as your sentence flow.

Adam Goryca said

at 12:27 pm on Sep 24, 2014

I'm not sure why the indent's did not copy over, but I just added them in.

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