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Saved by Elton DeFrance
on September 15, 2014 at 11:02:08 am

Meme Analysis Intro


Memes are a very general definition for a picture or set of pictures that are humorous. Of course, there are some things that are true for all memes; a familiar picture/mascot for the meme to make it memorable, two lines of short, concise text (one on top and one on bottom), and a sense of relatability. For example, the Bad Luck Brian meme has a picture of a goofy looking kid, two lines of short text, and gives allows the reader to relate to the “bad luck” the kid may have, even though the “bad luck” he experiences is on the extreme side. However, each subgenre of memes has its own special set of characteristics. These characteristics set it apart from its other subgenres. Specifically, the Joseph Decreux meme will be examined for what sets it apart from other memes, and how these differences give it a humorous effect.


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